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If you require assistance and are considering applying to become a client, please carefully review and adhere to the outlined guidelines.

If these guidelines align with your expectations and requirements, we invite you to proceed by scrolling down to the contact portal.

Once there, please provide us with a detailed message outlining your needs and inquiries. 

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Scroll Down to Apply.

Paranormal Rescue Client Application Rules

Please Read All and Accept Before Applying


Case Selection:

  • As reputable researchers, we don't blindly accept all claims of paranormal issues. Therefore, we ask clients to provide some evidence we can evaluate.

  • When evaluating evidence, we always eliminate the impossible so that whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. For further details, please scroll down and refer to the section titled 'Empirical Evidence' below.

  • We prioritise the most interesting cases.

  • Valid cases we decline may be referred to reputable partner teams.

  • Response time may not be guaranteed due to high client applications and caseload volume.​


Message Response Policy:

  • Single-word or minimal messages are not responded to.

  • Detailed information is required for our consideration.


Required Data - Where Possible:

  • Comprehensive audio, video, and photographic evidence.

  • Detailed written narrative including:

  • Incident details, dates, times, and sequence.

  • Present individuals during incidents.

  • Location details (geographic and postal).

  • Weather conditions during incidents.

  • Possible external contamination.

  • Clear, high-quality video, audio, and photographs.

  • Videos and audio clips can be uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube and marked private.


​Professional Discretion, Confidentiality and Data Handling:

  • Client welfare and privacy are paramount.

  • We never share client information or details about cases.

  • Data is never stored.


Empirical Evidence Approach:

  • As open-minded researchers, we seek empirical evidence.

  • An integral component of our comprehensive analytical approach involves a thorough examination of all conceivable rational explanations for reported paranormal phenomena. 

  • In some cases, we may recommend that clients undergo a professional assessment. 

  • Our scientific research and assistance are based on the premise that to provide genuine help; we must work without constraints and focus on examining empirical evidence.

  • Objective analysis may reveal both paranormal and non-paranormal explanations.


​​Non-Profit Approach, Professional Status, and Expenses:

  • We are a professional organisation operating on a non-profit.

  • Voluntary donations are appreciated and support our chosen officially registered dog rescue charity, The Greyhound Gap.

  • We encourage clients to donate to them directly via the above link.

  • We typically choose to offer our services pro bono (for free); however, if we are asked or required to perform activities that incur significant expenses, we expect these to be met.

  • Professional commercial appearances we are asked to perform are negotiated on an individual basis.


​Respectful Communication:

  • Only respectful and patient communication is expected.

  • Demands and attention-seeking may result in applicants being blocked.


Rule Adherence:

  • No exceptions are made to the outlined rules unless flexibility is stated.

  • Feel free to get in touch through our contact form if you meet these criteria and need our help.

  • Your understanding of our approach is greatly appreciated.


Scroll down to apply!


Throughout history, and with a sense of irony, religious institutions across denominations have frequently exhibited reluctance when it comes to assisting individuals in resolving profound paranormal challenges.


Even when individuals face severe physical attacks and seek help, the clergy often prefer inaction or minimal involvement after lengthy institutional deliberation.

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Not every paranormal experience involves encounters with vicious and malevolent entities.

Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that evidence strongly indicates the existence of these entities, and their influence can be catastrophically demonstrably real.


Therefore, any kind of paranormal activity should never be underestimated.

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It is of paramount importance to recognise that adopting an incorrect approach to paranormal challenges can often exacerbate the situation for those directly affected.


Engaging in a hasty, unscientific, and disrespectful investigation tends to yield minimal results and frequently intensifies the problems. This approach typically contributes to heightened paranormal activity, impacting all affected.

Need Help?

We follow the axiom of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's great detective, Sherlock Holmes.
"It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has all the data. Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."

We also agree with Isaac Asimov because we believe in EVIDENCE. Isaac Asimov famously once said: "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be."

Therefore, we never respond to messages that contain only a phone number and/or are brief and vague, such as "Contact me about an issue" or "I have a picture/video for you" or "I see demons/monsters"; messages such as these are always ignored and deleted.

Also, if possible, we need to see some genuine corroborating evidence and event timeline.

You can send picture and/or video evidence via our Facebook and Instagram pages.

If you expect a response, please ensure your request is detailed, well written, and respectful.

For more information, please read this section HERE before contacting us.

NOTE. Due to the volume of enquiries received, we cannot respond to every message/request.

Paranormal Activity?
“Who ya’ gonna’ call…?”

We hope to eventually have a 24/7 emergency answering service.


However, for now, please send a detailed message if you need help with extraordinary, mysterious, and/or malevolent anomalous activity.

We monitor messages regularly.

Contact Us

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© 2025 Paranormal Rescue.  Created by HRW

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